Early to Bed, Early to Rise!

Over the past several years, I find I’m getting up earlier in the morning …and, I actually like it.  This all started about the time I changed my eating habits and began to lose a little weight.  It’s funny, I now find it easier to go to bed early at night, I’m sleeping much better, and I have more energy for the new day.  In addition, I believe this has increased my productivity during the day.  I look forward to getting up early each day, saying my prayers, reading good books, pondering, and meditating.

The routine boils down to the following: Go to bed early each night.  Get up early each morning.  Exercise for a few minutes.  Get cleaned up (shave, shower, and dress in clean clothes).  Go to a quiet place in your home.  Kneel and subdue your spirit before Heavenly Father.  Talk with Him in reverent prayer.  Wait for His Holy inspiration.  When you’re ready, begin to read and ponder the holy scriptures.  As you read, anticipate inspiration from the Holy Spirit.  After you’ve read sufficiently, continue to sit quietly in your spot and meditate for a short while on the thoughts and feelings you’ve received; and, consider some of your blessings and challenges ahead.  (Note: When you find the “right” place in your home, I find it wise to return there each time you study and pray.  So, make it a routine to return to your “special place” for private prayer and study.)

I have discovered the truth of what we read in the scriptures, “…retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated.” (D&C 88:124)

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Author: saedgar

This website is a collection of many subjects and thoughts that are important to me, and some insights I’ve learned “...along the way.” I think of myself as just a simple man with a testimony of Jesus Christ and His Restored Gospel. But, I have lived (and continue to live) an extraordinary and enjoyable life. I've tried to share some highlights here. I have so many good memories. (SAE)

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