Why and How to Record Thoughts!

I believe we all have insightful thoughts and ideas of great value that can be (should be) recorded.  They are gained through our personal experiences and observations, sometimes by challenges we experience, sometimes by the examples of others, and at times, by inspiration from the Holy Spirit.  These often come to us in fleeting moments of insight.  And when they do, it is wisdom that we make notes and record them.   We should ponder on these thoughts and cherish the insights.  Over the course of our lives, if we record our meaningful thoughts (and internalize them), they will build our character, and they may likely bless the lives of others who may read them.

If we record these thoughts, it is also wise to organize and formalize them.  Write them down and elaborate with clarity.  Ponder and carefully organize your thoughts/insights.  And, use your best writing skills.

Here are some steps you might consider:

      • Strive to be good and live a good life.  Be kind to others and true to your personal understanding of “goodness.”  Be positive!  Try to improve yourself and be better.  And, always “Look for the Good!”
      • Be aware of life and be a thinker!  During any given day, good ideas and thoughts will come to you.  Keep your mind open for these moments of inspiration.  Look for them; anticipate them; record and remember them!
      • Always be open to inspiration and guidance from the Holy Spirit.  Strive to be sensitive to positive spiritual promptings.  Listen with your heart.
      • Earnestly try to understand and respond positively to the guidance and inspiration you receive.  Follow that guidance!
      • When thoughts come to you, make quick written notes to yourself as a reminder (or, you will forget!). Briefly record the key elements of your thoughts and ideas.  (Eventually, when you are preparing to formalize and record your thoughts, you will want to refer to these notes.)
      • Preselect a quiet and comfortable place (if possible) to sit down and organize your thoughts.  Pick a time that will be the least distracting (kids are in bed, TV is off, etc.).
      • Then, go to that same place, at that same time regularly (i.e., daily) to think, ponder and write.  Overtime, this will program your body, mind, and senses, and it will help you focus.  Eventually, when you go to that same place, at the same time each day, your brain and body will “click” into a creative mode, and your creative thoughts will flow.
      • Before you begin writing, spend time thinking and pondering about what you want to record.  What is your message?  Refer to your daily notes!
      • Select positive insights that interest and inspire you.  Then ask yourself: “What do I want to convey?”  “Is it of value?”  “Do I want to share, or is it too personal?”
      • When you have settled on a subject, try to imagine the main message or key points you want to record.  Consider outlining your topic: thesis statement, introduction, body, conclusion.
      • Then, when you feel ready, begin writing. Do not worry too much about grammar and spelling.  You can go back later to edit and correct errors and style.  But for now, just begin writing your thoughts!  Craft it later.
      • After your first draft, edit and correct your writing.  Then, have someone you trust read and review what you have written.  Listen to their input and thoughts.  Afterwards, make final corrections and adjustment.
      • Now, “sleep on it.” And, in the morning, review again what you have written.  You may want to make some final adjustments; but, when you feel good about it, you are done!  Update, save, and post/publish.

Final thought!

President Russell M. Nelson has taught: “Record those impressions, review them often and follow through with exactness.  I promise you that as you consistently give the Lord a generous portion of your time, He will multiply the remainder.”

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