Honza Bláha and His Horsemanship

This is truly a gifted horseman with his loyal, trusting, and beautiful friends.  I have watched Honza Bláha’s demonstrations at several venues in various locations around the world.  He and his horses are inspirational.  This video is one of my favorites!  I can watch it over and over.  It amazes me!  I always knew my horses loved me, but Honza has taking horsemanship to a much higher level than I ever knew.  No halter, no saddle and no rains!

Honza Bláha was born in a small village in the Czech Republic. He has always been fascinated by horses, even more so than people! At the age of nine, he began to take riding lessons. Years later, Honza bought his first horse, Gaston.

And so the amazing story began, Gaston changed not only Honza’s life, but also the lives of many people around horses all over the world. Honza and Gaston opened a new chapter of riding and relationship between horse and man.

With Gaston, he developed groundwork and riding without the use of any reins, lead ropes or whips.  He found trust in “LineFree” horsemanship without the horse’s need to escape or run away.  Most people cannot even imagine such a connection.  They ask…  How it is possible, that the horse never leaves you?

Be sure to watch (and enjoy) the demonstration video above of Honza Bláha and his noble, trusting, and loyal heard.

(Note: You can enlarge the video by hovering over the lower right corner of the image and clicking on the square enlargement box.)  

“Line Free” Horse Training

Watch these next videos to hear and learn more about Honza Bláha’s “Line Free” horsemanship techniques (these are Honza with his beautiful horse,  Scaramouche).  The videos are enjoyable to watch!

I love these videos!  Honza is so normal and kind in his presentations.  And clearly, his horses love him.  Honza is a gifted horseman and has amazing “Horse sense!”  His skills and kindness are inspiring to me, and at time he makes me laugh with joy.  Horses are truly a gift to us from our God!  Throughout world history, they have had an important and vital role in our existence …and our survival.  And …they continue to play an important role in our lives.  Plus, whenever and wherever you may find horses grazing, they always make the land more scenic and beautiful.

This next video is a little slow at the beginning (Honza is apparently tweeting his technology).  However, please be patience and continue to watch for the valuable insights he will eventually provide in this video.

Next, watch this sweet and beautiful beginning with a yearling.

Now finally, please enjoy watching this beautiful morning exercise/dance performance at Sunrise.


A Rabbi’s Take on the Book of Mormon

“Hebraisms” found in the Book of Mormon!

“In the Jewish mind, when we read a text that has language that is curious, peculiar, we don’t like many scholars in the scholarly academic world, we don’t try to edit our test.  We say that this structure, as clumsy or as peculiar as it is, or as repetitive as it is, it’s intentional.  Every word is necessary, every word is foundational to more sacred understanding, a sacred growth.  Had we said it in a simple way or a more literate way, you would have missed the point.  There are Hebraic or linguistic Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon.  Very often you have a series of ‘ands,’ extra ‘ands.’  In (the book of) Helaman, chapter 3, one sentence has, I think, 17 ands.”  (See Helaman 3:14-17)

Rabbi Joe Charnes

A Message of Peace and Hope …in Christ!

Please watch this uplifting video message above.  Then, read the brief message below concerning the Atonement and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is “the Prince of Peace!”  He has atoned for the sins and transgressions of all mankind who will repent, “Come unto Himand follow Him!”  He is the Great Jehovah of the Old Testament (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), the Light and Life of the World, our Savior and Redeemer, the Resurrected and Glorified Eternal Son of God the Father, the Living and Eternal God of Heaven and Earth.  Through His gift of the Atonement and His Resurrection from death, Jesus Christ has redeemed all mankind from the Fall of Adam, and He has overcome death for all.  Because of Jesus Christ, we can have Hope and Peace in this life and Joy in the glorious and Eternal Worlds to come …without End!

What “we” must do is: Learn of Him; repent of our transgressions; and, follow Him!  He will prepare and glorify all who will forsake their sins, overcome the world, and follow Him and His teachings.  Jesus Christ is literally the “Chosen One” of God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Holy One of Israel, and the Holy Messiah.  It is Christ who has taken upon Himself the sins and transgression of all who will repent and come unto Him.  Jesus Christ is literally, the only “Chosen and Beloved Son” of the Living God of the Universe, “God the Eternal Father.”  Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God the Father in the Flesh.

The whole of humanity are “spiritually” born of God the Father in our pre-earthly existent life.  We were all spirit children of God the Father (Elohim) in our pre-existent life (in Heaven).  In this life, we were born (or will be) of Earthly (physical) parent.  During our conception and birth in our mothers’ whoms, our spirits were united with our Earthly bodies of flesh.  However, after our eventual physical death in this life (that is, our mortal death), our spirits shall return to the heavenly realms and we will await the reuniting of our bodies and spirits (the resurrection).  Prior to the glorious resurrection, our physical bodies (i.e, our remains) will be placed in earthly graves …to decay, and our spirit bodies will return to the “heavenly” realm of spirits to await the glorious resurrection and be born again. (Note: I am certain, there will be much work to be done in the Spirit World!  Be assured, we will not be just sitting around as spirits, waiting patiently to be resurrected!)

Because of Jesus Christ, we will all (eventually) be resurrection.  Our individual spirits and bodies will be reunited as one “in the glorious resurrection.”  And, the multitude of all mankind will stand before the great bar of Judgement, and the Great Judge of Heaven and Earth, even Jesus the Christ, will Judge all mankind with His perfect and righteous judgement.  Ultimately, we will all join the hosts and Kingdoms of Heaven, in various levels of Eternal Glory, depending upon our various and individual degrees of worthiness (righteousness) and preparation …as determined by the Great Judge of Heaven and Earth, our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ!

(NOTE: This overly simplified message above on this very complex and sacred matter was prepared by Scott A. Edgar.  Please ponder on it, and make it a matter of sincere personal prayer.)

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